
Presentations and Webinars
Our team, collaborators, and research partners have developed a series of presentations on IPV, gender relations, health relationships, and overviews of our projects and research for partners, community members, service providers, and our working groups. You will find many of these presentations here.
The presentation focuses on fostering community engagement to address the sensitive issue of Intimate Partner Violence (IPV). They can be used to facilitate open dialogue and encourage feedback on projects and strategies to combat IPV within our community that address the following questions:
- How can we enhance awareness of IPV within our community?
- What support systems are needed to assist survivors of IPV?
- How can we effectively engage community members in preventing IPV?
- What role can faith-based organizations play in addressing IPV?
The presentation stresses the importance of fostering healthy relationship understandings, crucial for addressing Intimate Partner Violence (IPV). It offers interactive activities to explore dynamics, including external influences on both platonic and romantic connections, and the impact of familial expectations and gender roles.
The presentation aimed to empower wise women leaders by enhancing their skills and knowledge while addressing harmful practices. We involved women of African descent to share wisdom and support for individuals exploring relationships, emphasizing their pivotal role within the community.
La présentation visait à autonomiser les femmes sages leaders en renforçant leurs compétences et leurs connaissances tout en abordant les pratiques nuisibles. Nous avons impliqué des femmes d'ascendance africaine pour partager leur sagesse et leur soutien aux individus explorant les relations, en mettant en avant leur rôle pivot au sein de la communauté.
This web-based toolkit addresses intimate partner violence (IPV) with an African descent perspective. It emphasizes partnerships between universities and communities, attention to language and gender relations, and involvement of various agencies in our mission. It provides resources such as strategies, interventions, findings, future directions and support services to combat IPV.
Our Collaborators and Partners
Projects within the scope of this program have so far been made possible by Africa Centre, Partnership with Research for African Newcomers (PRAN), the University of Alberta, and Women and Gender Equality Canada.